Jul 9Liked by John Lansing

Really excited about the team composition possibilities knowing that we're not beholden to the same rules as NFL. Can't wait to try 10 blockers and a direct snap to an RB in full plate 😅

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Absolutely! Not to disappoint but I had to scale back the team sizes quite a bit to make it manageable so they are currently 4 on 4 battles. Turns out 11 on 11 in a grid based game requires quite a large space to operate. Maybe it’s something I can pull off for the sequel! You can still have many unique combos with 4 though… consider it a nod to the warriors of light from Final Fantasy 😈

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Jul 9Liked by John Lansing

That makes a LOT of sense actually. Now that I think about it, managing a squad of 11 in a CRPG / tactics type game would be an enormous pain

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Yeah exactly. Thankfully the prototype revealed this issue early on. The underlying tech can support any number so if I think of a way to make it fun I can expand it, but up to 4 a side seems like a good zone to be in. You don't want to go too long without your favorite players getting a turn!

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Jul 8Liked by John Lansing

I definitely want to see a team of all throwers. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Michael! Appreciate you following along here.

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